Sunday, December 21, 2008

Can You Help Nashwa Get Her Face Back Insha'Allah?

Assalamu Allikum Warahmatu Allahi Warabatu,

Can you help Nashwa get her face back Insha'Allah? When Nashwa was five, a fire broke out at her family's home. Initially, Nashwa wasn't hurt, but when she saw that the fire caught onto her mom's clothes, she ran up to her and hugged her. That's when her face was burned.

To Paradise International Relief is raising $20,000 for Nashwa's operations so that she can get her beautiful face back Insha'Allah.

Watch Nashwa's emotional VIDEO and send her your gift today!

To make a donation, please visit our website
Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
Asmaa Elsayed
Board Member
To Paradise International Relief